
By Cheldon


I wanted to spend our last day in Kent out and about. Whilst everyone else seemed to have beautiful sunshine we had grey skies.

I love Sandwich and always try and go there when we are down in Kent.

If any if you are gogglebox watchers this is peeking through a crack in a fence into the Salutation gardens. The gardens surround the house where Dom and Steph live. We have been into the gardens a few times before but decided to do the Rope Walk around the town instead. I managed to peek through the fence and get this picture of the tulips.

After Sandwich we stopped at Pegwell Bay reserve. Next time we need to take binoculars. We could see lots of birds (oyster catchers we think) on the shallows of the water but couldn't quite make them out enough to identify them.

After this we drove along to Joss Bay and watched a body boarder/surfer having a bit very successful surf before heading home.

It was a good last day, just a shame it was so grey.

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