
By Madchickenwoman

Phoenix Rising

A strange day - we took everything slowly, gentle  start to the morning and then at midday a walk with Portly Lucy at Cotehele. Violets flowering in the dappled shade, a duck swimming on the pond, a very gentle man at the Mill making and selling pottery - sister bought a chicken bowl, glazed soft grey with blue dots here and there and adorned with a small chicken head - I bought the mug. As he wrapped it we talked chickens and swapped stories about them. 
Leisurely lunch in the sun at Tavistock then a mooch round the shops - a purchase here and there and ingredients bought for cake I'm making for my neighbours funeral tea tomorrow. White mice for Amelia, Locusts for Gunther. Home and this stunning sunset before closing chickens on the allotment.
All calm and civilized, but punctuated with me processing my friends news - at times objective, at others angry at the Dr who never earned my trust and always seemed several steps behind. No tears, although I could, time for that later. It was months after my mothers death that I finally let them out.
 Only in recent years had my friend  achieved the profession, additional learning and qualification after two years study in mindfulness for herself and as a practitioner. With her girls older and living away from home she had developed more of her life independent of them and was open to a new relationship after two which saw her off men for a long time. She was into her stride at her new chapter in  life. 
So mostly I feel drained and sad and have floated through the day - doing normal things I would normally do with my sister, at a time which is anything but normal. 
Many thanks for all your messages yesterday - I really appreciate your kind wishes. 
So a Phoenix rising in the sky tonight  - I don't know if I could or should subscribe this with any meaning - but it seemed to be symbolic and so is my blip from the day.

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