
As we approached the ‘Work starts here 7.04.15 19.30-05.30 for four nights’ site, the rhythmical thumps, screeches and beeps against a drone of whirrs and rumbles made me think of some Terry Pratchett between-worlds creation. There is a huge amount to complete at this junction, as in the many other roadworks sites around town at the moment, yet in all my pictures most of the workers are standing watching. It made me ponder how much work looks like not-work to those who don’t know it, how much down-time we need when we’re working hard, and how well or badly organised work is.
We were on our way back from seeing Still Alice, which I had somehow gathered beforehand was an optimistic film despite being about a woman with early onset Alzheimers. Wrong. Nothing optimistic about this. Expertly acted but desperately sad to watch. About decline, about loss, about losing everything, bit by bit, knowing it to be so and then... not?

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