Friday flowers, friends & paraphernalia

The huge Magnolia tree looks less than its best on this gloomy cloudy afternoon, especially after such a gorgeously sunshiny warm morning - but it is what it is. Beautiful.  I was there with mbfiatw Jean, there being of course, the Fox and Raven, chewing the cud over leisurely lunch.  

Earlier,  the morning had seen my bro in the loft getting warm and dusty clearing out bags and boxes of such interesting things as old newspapers, birthday cards, old chair cushions, carpet cut offs, ancient camping gear, picnic ware, unused rolls of wallpaper circa 1975, household bills, concert programmes, letters, certificates, an old traffic cone and other stuff  that Dad felt worthy of storing.  Mementos of a life.  My job was sorting the wheat from the chaff and finding neater ways to keep the good stuff while G took the carpet pieces and junk to the tip.  By the time Jean arrived I was more than ready for a pint of Brakspear with lunch at the Fox and Raven!

After our lunch when the sun had given way to rain, Jean and I came back to the house where we didn't cure all the world's illnesses nor solve the world's problems, but we did come close here and there.  

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