
One of the best things about the clocks going forward is that there is light enough to walk to the pub for supper and back again without hi-vis jackets and torches.

We betook ourselves to the Belsair for  a bar meal after a day spent at the coal face. By coal face I mean wall-tiling for him and slideshow-making for her.

I took the camera with me but it was a little misty and not the best light for photographs.

I had a lovely piece of Lemon Sole. Yum.

Rather distressed to see on the telly that Crabbies are sponsoring the National - I almost choked on my Ginger Beer. I will now have to boycott one of my favourite drinks. Damn.

The sun went down in a blaze of glory and at one point looked like twin suns. I was moved to remark that I want to live on a planet with three moons and a pink sky. I am very disappointed that we failed to conquer space in time for me to do that - when I was young I totally believed that it was possible for me to end my life on a new planet.

I was going to blip the wall tiling but instead I offer "Sunset with sheep" - the Hi-vis is in use for the scarecrow :-)

Bed now, with the last ep of Fortitude and a box of Kaye's choccies that we brought home from the pub.

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