Blackbird has spoken, yet again.

We went out this morning, to a shop that sells motorcycling clothes, as J wanted to buy  a pair of  kevlar jeans. So far , so simple , but it wasn't!  Most Welsh people  are short, and the jeans manufacturers don't quite understand this.  The knee armour that should be on the knee, ends up on his shins. We had to give it up as a bad job, and then went to Tesco ,to stock up on wine ,as i had a voucher and there was 25% off, if you bought six bottles.  We then came home had some lunch, and thought we would drive down to Porthcawl ,for a blip. It was really  busy , and we couldn't find a place to park, so we drove back to Parc Slip.  I was hoping to capture a frog blip, but there were none about, probably as it was so cold. Just as we were going to leave, i saw this blackbird making a lot of noise perched on top of a wall. I only managed to take three photos today,  so there wasn't much to choose from. It just wasn't a good blipping day!

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