horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Some dam towers are pretty....

Others look like this... 

Popped round Megget Reservoir today (in the car, though I've ridden it, and it's just fab - though I'd recommend descending to Talla rather than climbing from it, where, incidentally, there is a VERY pretty dam tower). Stumbled across this wonderful film of the building of the dam, which started in 1977, to the flooding of the valley in '83.

Mel had pondered if there were buildings lying beneath the water, the answer to which is no, but only because they were demolished by the works. There had been a small village, and a school (which taught its last pupil a decade before the works began). Perhaps the biggest loss were the mediaeval remains of a tower which was part of a hunting lodge used by, amongst others, Mary Queen of Scots.

There was also gold to be found in the old Megget Water, and apparently a ring was gifted to Queen Victoria, made from Megget gold. All gone to slake the thirst and clean the clothes and homes of Edinburgh residents.

Saw my first Black Grouse heading over the hills to Innerleithen.

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