Definitely a Blue Tit (I think)

Yesterday I got my tits in a muddle. Thankfully Paola was soon on the case, and I corrected my Blip.
Today I've definitely got a blue tit (I'm crossing my fingers) and he's obligingly showing us his little blue cap as well.
They take a seed out of the feeder (spilling about another 50 whilst they do so) and then some turn around on the perch, like this one, to peck at it, and some fly into nearby bushes - again just to peck at the seed. 
We now have a trug under that bird feeder to catch the wastage and recycle it, as they spill far more than they eat. 
I don't mind the robins and little birds coming for the spillages, but we get big fat pigeons ambling along and nudging the little ones out of the way. 

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