Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

feeding Spider

Cloudy today but still warm. I spotted this early on and thought of the group challenge, so nothing was going to get passed this shot for the blip today. Not much to say about it, a spider feeding. The light was bad and so I had to resort to flash, but I really like the way the flash gives me a very dark background, I think this complements the subject.

Today's difference was suggested by Beachball (I think), hospitals. I have only two experiences of hospitals: the first was when I was beaten up. It was not serious, being beaten up by a bunch of thugs wearing flip-flops is a bit like being assaulted with a wet sponge. However, while I was being held, someone hit me over the head with a brick (guess). It was this that actually saved me as no one wanted to get blood on them.

A taxi stopped and took me to the nearest hospital which was only a few hundred yards, free of charge! I was seen to straight away, as it was 2am. I was disinfected and injected, stitched up and bandaged. Half an hour later, I was in a taxi on my way home. I cannot remember the cost, but it was less than $10.

My second experience was when ex-wifey had a C-section. Hospitals come in different price ranges. This hospital was one of the cheaper carers but was recommended by the doctor. The room was basic but very clean and private, with the other two beds not occupied. The service was friendly and efficient, I certainly had no complaints or for that matter, anything bad to say. Everything went to plan and I was very happy and relieved.

The cost was $1,100 for everything, I was happy with that too. There are no free rides in Indonesia, if you need a C-section and cannot afford to pay, you are up shit creek without a paddle.


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