Life Dancing

By lifedancing


Early start late finish today, working in Edinburgh and Glasgow not much chance for Blips.

Since recently joining the Cloud Appreciation Society (heh, heh, I kid you not) ...there have been either cloudless blue skies or a veil of grey vapour.
Is the universe making a point?

Years ago I went horse trekking up in the Highlands.
I thought the horses looked a bit docile and asked for the most spirited one.

They gave me a horse called Nimbus.

Scenery was beautiful but the actual trek was fairly plodding and Nimbus didn't seem any more spirited than the other horses.
Not enough action for me...

We came to a river and were to cross slowly at a very shallow part - approximately ankle deep.

Suddenly Nimbus took off, galloping down the river bank, just what I'd been hoping for BUT THEN - he plunged right into the river...and it was deep!
He started swimming.
Amazingly, I managed to cling on but the water was FREEZING and I was soaked up to the waist.
The others on the trek, who had crossed safely were by now lined up, having hysterics at my predicament.
After Nimbus had given me a good drenching, we got to the other side.

Due to the lack of other clouds to appreciate at the moment, thought Nimbus deserved a mention - for showing me who was really in charge - and being such a free spirit.

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