MonoMonday; Water, Without a thought

My MonoMonday image is of our Kitchen sink mixer and Filter Faucet. My work entails me working on the towns water reticulation system fixing leaks replacing gate valves and other reactive work including sewer and stormwater.Now I am going to scare the bejeebers out of you. I bet every day you all turn on the kitchen Tap and fill the kettle for a hot drink, cooking or a glass of water and drink it without a thought. This is what we call in our industry Potable Water it must be Palatable, odorless and clear.Have you ever thought is it Safe?. One of my duties is to take water samples after we do a mains shut down, I will run a house tap for a short period of time ,then turn the tap off heat it until steam comes off, turn it on and take a mid stream sample, seal the container and get it to the Lab within 1 hour to have it tested for Fecal Coliforms and E Coli. These contaminants can make a population very ill or somebody could even die. So I guess wherever you live in the world I could say thank you for all the Water Technicians for having the utmost faith in the way we do our job, so you can drink that glass of water without a thought.
Very Scary

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