Alan Mathison Turing 23 June 1912 --7June 1954

Every time we use a computer we would do well to stop and recall Alan Turing.It is now acknowledged that he was the founder of computer science. The very fact that the Enigma code was broken owes much to him .Yet this amazing individual had a sad life due to the era in which he lived .(Best read in Wikipedia) 
My plans for today changed once more so I set off to make a blip of the Turing memorial in Manchester. En route I met a fellow photographer and together we walked the towpath of the Rochdale Canal to Sackville Street. Here we located the little park where a bronze seated figure of this great man holds an apple . It is believed that in his despair he injected an apple with cyanide and then ate it . 
What is important is that a pardon has been given and tolerance now exists within our society.

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