Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Easter chocolate arrived today...just in the nick of time.

Now I'm virtually opiate free (it's been a long road) I find that the treacly fog is beginning to leave my mental processes, which is great. The downside is that my pain receptors are no longer intoxicated and I'm receiving the unfiltered screams from my spine. The drugs they've given me to help with this do not seem to be doing anything so it's a trade off; working brain and much more physical impairment or thinking through syrup but dulled pain. I'll go with the brain functioning option every time. There is however a highly effective medication that not only significantly reduces my pain, increases my ability to move and doesn't have any of the awful side effects of morphine (which with me have included cataracts and deafness), but unfortunately it's still legally classified as a Category B illegal substance. I of course refer to cannabis. The continuing demonisation and criminalisation of this friendly weed makes me very angry, especially when I see alcohol and tobacco , each more harmful and addictive, freely available. Unfortunately my supplies are irregular and unpredictable so it's held in reserve for a really bad day. Yesterday was such a day and so I raided my dwindling reserves...indeed I must admit to seeking escape with rather more than was strictly medically necessary...the result? An evening of mind expanding happiness and exceptional musical appreciation. Today I find that although I am no longer intoxicated those busy little cannabinoids still in my blood stream have reduced my pain significantly... I even came damn near to standing up straight. Then Diana arrived bearing gifts of chocolate, couldn't have been better timed.

Here's some appropriate music. Or for non Spotify people here it is on YouTube.

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