From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Reach for the starling.....

Sorry if this title has put a hideous song going through your mind. If it's any consolation, me too!

It was a really busy day. With all the schools being back today and all the office workers after the Easter break, it was all a bit of a blur. I don't mind that. The phone was going constantly with queries or calls for assistance as Java 7 testing was being carried out by a handful of school bursars along with the usual stuff.

One person even phoned me up after 4pm when I was well and truly logged off. I wouldn't mind but I was on the loo at the time and the lady had rung my mobile which was in my pocket! Dearie me! I told her to email me as I would pick it up at 6:40am tomorrow hoping that the echoey sound of a bathroom was not obvious over the phone!

I didn't take any pictures until after 4:30 today and then I couldn't decided between the goldfinches and tits before finally settling on a starling. N.B. There was a starling on Poldark last night!

I had to make time to run round the corner to the doctor's surgery in the morning to get some antibiotics for my persistent cough. I had to see a student doctor before Dr. Jheeta who sat in for the last few minutes. I felt quite sorry for her as the doctor told her off for not having asked the basic question about whether I was a smoker or not before going on about my dad and how he used to play golf at Turnberry. 'Ian even died on the golf course!' the doctor announced almost with glee.

I sometimes wonder if the fact dad used to take the doctor to golf occasionally and get him tickets for nice courses was why I never have trouble getting an appointment? I won't complain. Load of balls! That brings me neatly on...

Track? Here's Deep Purple in 1969 with a video which could leave you mentally scarred! My nightmares will be filled with those trousers - Hush

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