Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Kristina day

Yay, I got some help with nurse Kristina, and with Jenn back from Vegas for the nights, I'm finally not battling with these growing, rascally boys all by myself anymore this week. Ah well, I can dream it's longer than a day. We didn't succeed too much on the shooting this evening, but we at least have this gem.

Conversations with Callum.
C - Are Plablo and Plablo going to come to my birthday party? (in November).
Me - Darling, yes, and their names are Paolo and Pablo.
C - Two Plablos?

Our bedtime read is "Mr stink". We love it, at least I do. Have you read it?

BackBlip Whiter shade of pale

PS Wasn't much to be done here beyond brightening and contrast.

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