
By Tosin

I swallowed a coin!

Heard shouts coming from the kitchen - "Mom, dad, Seth can't breathe, he swallowed a coin" said my older boy. Followed by a feeble - I can't breathe.. Andrew and I ran frantically to find out what was going on. My first aid training kicked in and I grabbed Seth and immediately started to do abdominal thrusts. Nothing came out  and thankfully although he was crying hysterically, he was still breathing. Off to the hospital we rushed, zipping through cars while trying to stay within the speed limit so as to not get pulled over on worse, into an accident. Went straight to emergency, shortly after which we saw the doctor. It was about 9:30am. Doctor assured us that he is breathing fine however he has to have an x-ray done to locate the coin.

Anyway, long story short, after a very very long day, the coin was removed and we finally left the hospital at about 4pm tired and hungry.

Thank the Lord, the procedure to remove the coin went well and Seth is back to his old self, like nothing happened.  I always tell him, only put food in your mouth. Can't recall how many times I caught him with objects in his mouth. Hopefully, he's learned his lesson.

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