and through the wire...

By hesscat

Temple Village Hall

It's Wide Angle Wednesday again and the theme is "Looking Up". This is our local village hall where we spend a lot of community time... that's time with our community not a community sentence... although at 11pm on a Saturday night when we lock up it feels like a sentence haha. Where was I?

With good notice of the theme, I tried this shot on Sunday, not sunny, and was much closer and was happy with that, but my timing today was pretty good to catch the sun peaking through underneath the bell although I did need to wait for the clouds to go. There are no effects applied to the sun, it is just with a small aperture of f/22 - all I have done to the image is brighten the shadows etc. Just moving the camera centimetres affected how intense the rays were, it was easy to lose the bell in the light.

So this is Hobbs's last "widwed" challenge for now, I joined it late but loved it, so thank you Hobbs. Maybe someone else will take over although I think it will always be Wide Angle Wednesday for me, themed or un-themed.

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