
Despite years of avoiding Asakusa, it is rapidly become one of my favorite places to shoot in Tokyo. If you just head off the main tourist track every so slightly, you land in such of huge area of Shitamachi glory that it's overwhelming when all you want to do is photograph and record every single inch of it.

Since I knew work was coming in I head there early to see what it was like before the hoards descended for a day's sightseeing and it certainly didn't disappoint. I spent a few hours down all the little claustrophobic alleys photographing the little snack bars and hostess bars, and all the haikyos, rubbish, and backs of restaurants that I found while everyone was getting the shops ready for the day. There laods of little pockets of standing water everywhere so the mosquitoes were out in force, which is where the lady in my photo comes into play. Insect spray and a kimono. Classic Tokyo.

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