Particles & Waves

By EdwardFenner

Pumpkin beware!

This warning was in our townhouse mailbox today. Apparently, we now have coyotes in the area. Given that we back onto a ravine, this is not a surprise. Besides the usual squirrels, chipmunks, shrews, toads, frogs, mice, birds, and ducks, we've had a fox or two, a skunk, a rabbit, raccoons, an opossum and, once, a black bear. Now coyotes. We regularly warn our cat Pumpkin, who always wants to go out at night, that Mr. Fox or Mr. Coyote will catch him and eat his guts. He still wants to go out. We never let him. Now we can show him this warning to show him we were not talking nonsense. I wonder if he will listen now? Probably not.

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