
By PeckhamBelle

Standing still

It was much cooler today, but the children weren't giving up on summer that easily.

It's not often I get a picture of Sally the right way up, or standing still, but here she was showing me the muddy, crusty sand that had splashed up her legs on her unsuccessful crabbing expedition. The pink light was a happy accident, the pink top, flip flops and bucket melted my heart. How long before none of my children pick up a seaside bucket and say 'this is SO COOL.'

Today started with:
'Tom's thrown my pants out of the window.'
Coffee in bed with a view of the sea and seagulls wheeling and shrieking.
Dover Castle complete with fires in the fireplaces and furniture in the rooms. (It was great to see how the rooms would've been used and dressed rather than trying to imagine luxury in a stone box with holes in the walls. It was only yesterday that Tom realised that castles used to have floors, and weren't just hollow stone towers with no rooves.)
Scampi and chips.
A massive walk to work off the scampi and chips.
The amusement arcade. A happy hour of feeding 2ps in the slots. Never gets old.
Winning 250 tickets in the arcade and seeing the children's eyes light up at the array of prizes.
Seeing the children's faces fall as they're told 250 tickets will only get them one packet of refreshers. Between three.
Coming home for a game, a film, a cup of tea and an escape from the wind.
Some packing, some planning and 'pyjama football'.
'What's that?'
Football in our pyjamas of course, derr!

Of course.

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