At Last

By 8

Global Java

Enforced wait for car MOT
It failed :-(

Global Java
Smooth music slips from the ceiling
Competing with the barista’s concerto
Milk? She wants to know.
Americano for me
In these days of fashionista coffee.
My plush armchair
(with contemporary stripe)
Hugs me and my bucket of java
While lurking nearby under a shaded stone arch
A wizened Mediterranean man
Reads sepia news
In the shade of an ancient Olive.
One of those wall-sized prints
Next to the humming fridge
Of chilled deli sun-blushed tomato
And pesto panini wraps.
Frappes and smoothies
Mochachinos and skinny lattes
Await the maestro’s touch
At the chromed coffee time machine.

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