Hector's House

By MisterPrime


This is the (only) reason Hector's never been to Bromley House - unfortunately the county council feel the same way so I'm not allowed to take him to work with me either, despite the fact that the Library is absolutely crying out for an in-house hound. He could bed down under the stacks in the junior library all day, occasionally venturing out to tidy up biscuit crumbs or see off the odd smelly internet-user. Never mind, it'll all be different when I'm in charge...

On the subject of the general idiocy of rules, laws and governments: I'm back into Dorian Lynskey's protest songs book (John Harvey tailed off a bit later on, to be honest) and yesterday I read the chapter about CRASS' song 'How Does It Feel?' and then listened to the 'Feeding of the 5000' album, Conflict's 'The Ungovernable Force' and Crucifix's 'Annihilation', in their entireties, one after the other - do I get a prize!? Certainly I felt better afterwards - fired up with righteous anarcho-syndicalist ire and energy, perhaps, or just adrenilized by a shot of overly-loud music and shouting, who's to say? I went for something a bit more mellow today, anyway - a bit of classic nineties collegiate alternative rock from some old favourites...

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