Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


I have a back blip for yesterday but will post it later as it needs some editing.

For now I will blip for today.

I have had a marvellous week. It has been a pleasure to sing at the school so much. Today KS2 did a wonderful rendition of Saturday Night. Was brilliant x

Yesterday I experienced a wonderful wonderful side of the NHS. My mind was put at rest. All good and happy.

Today not so good. DS is still not right. He got in from school and went to sleep at five pm yesterday. He slept all night and woke up this morning shattered. He also has a cough, muscle and joint pain and a nosebleed this morning.

We have to wait until the second week in July to see the ENT consultant. This means another half term of schooling jeopardised due to being poorly.

I sort of snapped today. The GP phoned me and told me to give him more VIT C and that he probably needs more blood tests?!?! He does not have an appointment till Thursday. He also said he probably needs his tonsils out. Still we have to wait.

Therefore we have booked a private consultation. Tomorrow at 9.45. We are to be honest worried sick about him. He is so lethargic it's disturbing.

I went to sing in his old nursery today and I told them about the ongoing saga. They commented about how lively he used to be.

That's when it hit me. He did used to be a lively normal five year old. This is not the case now.

Therefore i am going against my basic principles and hoping for some answers that don't involve being told

A) its viral
B) to wait and watch
C) to give him more Vit C

I am so grateful to my blip blog though as I have tracked through all my entries so I have a comprehensive diary of what has been going on.

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