Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Still not well

Henry had a horrible cough and high temperature overnight - I ended up ringing the out of hours drs at 1am because he'd had calpol and ibuprofen and his temperature was still 38.9! They weren't too concerned though and suggested tepid sponging and eventually I got him cooled down and back to sleep.

This morning you wouldn't have known he was ill - very happy, ate a whole adult size yogurt for breakfast and charmed the man who delivered our online food shop with a lot of smiles and funny noises.

At lunchtime we went to our postnatal group jubilee party which was lovely - I really miss seeing them all regularly. The babies are all so grown up now, most are crawling (apart from Henry and 1 other) and quite a few are pulling up and cruising along the furniture.

Today's blip is Henry in his jubilee outfit just before bathtime - he's sitting in front of the fishtank smiling at Neil.

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