zoe wittering

By zoewittering

Thursday picnic

This Thursday picnic thing is in danger of becoming a habit. As I think I said last week, Thursday is one of the days that the big kids come home for lunch and after the success of last weeks picnic we have decided that from now until the end of term, which is creeping up scarily quickly, Thursday will be picnic day.

Today we drove a little up the Ventoux and picnicked at a lovely shady spot just off the road. Robin and I ate salad and sandwiches, L, E and L ran around with big sticks climbing rocks, hiding in bushes and giggling ferociously pretending to be pirates! Raphaël watched it all in bemusement. We then climbed up the path to La Chapelle la Piaud. I tried to get a photo of the kids by the three big crosses in front of the chapel but they were still being pirates so that didn't work. I also tried to get a photo of them climbing up the path but I was holding Raphaël, a bottle of water and my camera and it was hot so in the end I gave up.

I did snap some pretty wild flowers whilst we were sitting recuperating in the shade and I had thought that they would have to do for today's blip but then when I uploaded my photos I remembered that I had also taken some photos as we ate and so despite my intentions not to blip this little pirate today as he has featured quite a lot lately when I saw this I couldn't resist.

TGIF tomorrow......

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