Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Homeward Bound

Toulon, France. We had been in Corsica playing cowboys and indians against the French Foreign Legion. Great fun was had by all, bloody freezing in the mountains. The fleet went into Toulon for 5 days. While everybody else got ratted the Recce Troop were taken to the Chasseur Alpines base in the Alps. We had a wonderful time wandering around the mountains with expert troops. They wear huge berets, the size of large dinner plates, they wear them with pride, it's no mean feat passing their training course.
So, here we are, early morning, Fearless and Intrepid, with the band hammering away, prepare to leave harbour, the Ark Royal has already slipped and is behind us. The recce troop was on a fleet oiler called Tidereach, once we were at sea a Wessex came across from Fearless, picked us up off the flight deck then let us rope down to the flight deck of Fearless, very few boring moments.
Fearless and Intrepid were a major part of the fleet which recaptured the Falklands, beneath the crane you can see is a dry dock with four large landing craft embarked plus smaller ones hanging off davits. The dock is flooded to disembark troops. OR WAS!

Fearless and Intrepid are both now component parts of Wilkinson Sword razor blades. RIP girls.

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