
By lhr

Happy Birthday Mum!

Today is my Mum's birthday. It's nice in our house at this time of year. My birthday was on Thursday (23rd), Mum's birthday is today and my Dad's birthday is November 4th.

There appear to be too many Birthday's in October! In total, I have 4 presents to buy - thankfully I don't have to buy a present for myself!

Hopefully she has had a nice day. My dad and I got up early, he took me into town to buy some baking stuff then off we went in search of some other presents. We came home to open her presents, then out we popped to get some shopping for my brother who is rather poorly. Then I made these bad boys...yum! Followed by making Sweet and Sour chicken for dinner. Mmmm Mmmm!!

What do you think of these cakes? I have always enjoyed baking, it's something that I have been brought up with. Recently I have been really into cake decorating however I haven't really had the opportunity to do it. I'd like to do a cake decorating course but can't seem to find one locally. I might not be good enough to do it but I certainly enjoy it :)


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