Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


The things on my ´to do´list went out of the window today, the reason was, my neighbour had his house broken into in the early hours of this morning. They didn't realise they had been burgled until 9ish this morning, they phoned our local police and they came out within half an hour. The burglars had stolen his car key, fortunately they didn't take his car, as it is a right hand drive Opal convertable and easily recognised, the police deflated one of his tyres, so that if the b******s came back they couldn´t take the car.

Our President is away on holiday so it fell to me to assist him with going to the ´Police, bank, insurance company and garage´. We went to the Guardia Civil and filled in a report and received a Police number, this took about an hour, from there to the bank to cancel the credit cards, then to the estate agent to get a copy of his house insurance policy.

Home, phoned the insurance company, they have sent out a locksmith to change all the door locks, car insurance asked him to go to a garage and get a quote for replacing the door and ignition lock on his car. Went to our local garage, sorted out the method of lock replacement etc. The Guardia came to the house and took another statement from him, by the time all this had been completed it was 5pm.

Time for a glass of wine.

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