Sketchbook #21: Nicola Sturgeon by Neil S @osmart

Spent the day at #ExLibrisBookFair, an independent comics, art and zine event at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow that was part of the Aye Write Literary Festival. I was doing a little bit of promotion for the MA Creative Writing course at Edinburgh Napier University, but mostly I was giving away copies of scripts written by my Graphic Fiction students. Lots of them got taken, so hopefully a few people will draw the stories and share the results with the relevant writer...

I happened to sit beside Neil Solance, artist on Dungeon Fun and many other cracking comics. His watercolour sketch of SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon went viral earlier this month after the Scottish politician praised it on Twitter, but Neil was reluctant to use this to get more business for his work today. Happily, he let me photograph the lovely wee piece, so here it is!

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