Just chillin

Well, we all had a long lie this morning. Daddy finally woke me up at 9.30. After 14 hours sleep I was full of beans and a little better. Still not 100% but getting there.

Mummy and daddy had a better night last night with baby Zara. She was only up twice, for nappy changes & feeds. She was up for a little while but that was better than the night before.

Today we went to grandma and grandad's to see them. I didn't want to play at first but then came round. I thought I was going to stay again but mummy said no I was coming home to stay in my own bed.

We all went for a nice meal. Zara slept right through it and I ate all my dinner, drank my juice and was a very good girl.

Baby Zara has slept lots today and had lots of milk. She was awake for a little bit, she also enjoyed her bath with me.

In my picture, i am chilling waiting for everyone to get ready to leave.

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