Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


Our plans for a train ride having been thwarted, we settled for a further day exploring parts of Bangkok.

Having had a lie in, we took a taxi up to Chatuchak market.  This is vast, and we saw only a small part before the heat forced us to beat a retreat,  We bought a couple of presents, and had a lovely coconut ice cream.  We were impressed by the care that was taken in the presentation - despite the low price of only 30 Baht (about 60p), the ice cream was presented in half a coconut with some nuts and dried fruit on the top.

We returned to the pier opposite our hotel, and before summoning the lift across, I insisted on cocktails.  The tables each had an orchid, and when the drinks came, they also had an orchid.  I have no doubt these are "bog standard", "cheap as chips" orchids, but the colour was superb.

We then had a siesta, before taking a second trip on a longtailed boat.  I had been disappointed the first time, as I had been too tired, and so had not taken any photos.  This time, unfortunately the herons that had so delighted me had obviously gone home to bed, but we saw more of the canals, and also saw a large reptile.  I didn't manage a photo, but on researching, it was a monitor lizard.

Then back across the river to fetch our laundry and have dinner at the Navalai River Resort, before packing and an early night.  Off to Siem Reap on the morrow (from where I am now blipping).

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