A Day Out in Nara

I had a lovely day out in Nara, a former capital of Japan now known for its deer and a rather large statue of the Buddha.

I met Shaun there, a friend of Shandonner's and a lovely chap. We were soon approached by Johanna and we asked her if she'd like to come tour around with us. For any of you who might be under the impression that I'm adventurous, you should meet Johanna - a young woman from Sweden who's fluent in English, living in Paris, travelling through Japan on her way to visit a friend in Beijing - as you do ... I felt well old!

Shaun and Johanna were lovely company and there are shots of them over on Flickr. Johanna and I travelled back to Kyoto together. I got a little protective of her because she didn't have a place to stay for the night (and it was past 7 pm) but she found a place quickly via an app. Oh to be young!

I took relatively few photos today and I feel I ought to blip S and J but this was my favourite photo of the day - very near to where I stayed.

Off to Tokyo on Sunday...



PS I posted this from a subway in Tokyo. Talk about wifi reception!

PPS Shortly after I posted this my pocket wifi device decided to hibernate. I emerged from the subway in full darkness and the modern navigation tool of Google Maps wouldn't function. It tookme a good 45 minutes to find my airbnb flat, including the assistance of three complete strangers, only one of whom (the first) spoke English.

I take it back - I'm pretty darn adventurous after all. Thank you!!

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