Happy Anniversary GravyC

Today is our Anniversary!! We spent the day, or some of it, where we got married:


I ran there! 17 miles or so!! The last 5 miles of my run took in the latter part of our 'wedding run', and when I reached the top of the steps at West Dean I thank the Lord encountered Noo and GravyC inspecting our secret wedding lock!!! They were able to accompany me down the hill into Exceat!

GravyC then ran to Alfriston while Noo and I had coffee and cake at our wedding venue.....now the Saltmarsh Cafe! I felt quite unwell suddenly, but Noo looked after me...

After picking up GravyC we headed to Seaford. The boys threw stones in the sea while I had a lay down on the stones. I felt much better once I had been force fed orange Tango and some salted crisps!!!

We dashed home at 6pm to get the family rugby star, ZQ, and I'm now enjoying anniversary wine leftover weekend wine !

BIGGEST NEWS OF THE DAY: Noo took it upon himself to do a wee in his potty!!!!!!

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