
By BoroLady69

80' tree being climbed and cut down from top...

At 8 o'clock this morning a tree climber and 5 strong young guys arrived to cut down 3 80'+ dead trees from our backyard.  One of them had split and gotten hung up in another tree - it was wide at the bottom with 3 high trunks.  The other two were also as high.  The tree climber guy climbed up to the top and cut the huge branches off, then started coming back down and cutting 10-12' sections which dropped to the ground with a huge thud.  The two other trees, he climbed up and took off the high limbs and branches then came back down and felled them by sawing them at the bottom.  Wow, what a thud they made when they hit the ground.  Within 3 hours all the trees had been cut down, the 5 younger guys sawed the long trunks into huge logs which they loaded onto a 4-wheeler at vehicles to load onto two huge trucks in our driveway.   When they left everything, all the brush, branches, etc., and logs were cleared away and it didn't look as though anything had been done in our backyard, 'cept we knew the wood seemed much more open.   It was amazing to watch all this work done from the family room sofa or back deck  - it took me 4 mugs of coffee to watch all that hard work!!!!  It was difficult to get a picture showing the full height of the trees being felled and the well orchestrated sawing and clearing that was being done the minute the tree climber came down and moved onto the next tree.

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