Mr John

By MrJohn

Digging .....

..... in the dark.

At the moment my life consists of mainly work, digging and sleeping ( with the odd meal in between ). I had an hour down the allotment before work this morning and a couple of hours after work this evening.

The allotment is already bringing rewards. I'm enjoying the hard work, have met some lovely fellow allotment plot holders and have been given some Kale by one of them ( which I had with my dinner tonight ).

I've also sold an old enamel metal sign on ebay, that I found amongst a load of sheets of glass and metal on the plot. The money it sold for is enough to pay my allotment plot rent for the next three years with enough left over to buy a pint.

I'm hoping that once the plot is planted up I will have a bit more time for blipping ( but suspect my life will be work, weed, water, repeat ), but for now it's mainly digging over the soil and getting all the weeds out, so today's blip is .....

..... Digging in the dark.

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