Tarawera Times

By Megl

Mono Monday - Falling in the AIR..

notowennewitt has set us some excellent challenges this month on an elemental theme, but this weeks AIR challenge really got the grey matter rumbling.

Thought I would capture autumn leaves falling in the AIR, but little wind today. So set up the camera on the tripod in an open area by the lake, put it on a 10 second delayed shot and then tossed the leaves in the air. I thought it would be simple, but not at all easy. Took about 30 shots, most were just of the sky, some had the stem of one leaf, others were out of focus, and this one was the only near decent one.

There were a couple of fisherman on the jetty, and could just imagine them watching me and wondering what on earth I was up to. I could have told them, but decided to let them just wonder.

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