Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Daisy-May's School Open Day

I had a great session at Twins at Totstime this morning, we had 17 multiple families join us. Ruby and Penny played really well and my niece looked after Ashleigh for me, which left me time to sit with a hot cup of tea :o)

We got home from Twins at Totstime and all three little ladies were fast asleep. I managed to transfer Penny and Ashleigh to their beds but Ruby woke up and was playful. Ruby stayed downstairs with me and we made lunch together. It was such a weird sensation, having just one toddler beside me, to talk to and guide. It took me back to my days of just me and DM, when life was so very different with one child. I'll be the first to admit that I am finding it hard to get on top of things at home; having four young children will do that to anyone. And yes, I do (quite often) take on more than I should handle. I want to make a better life for all of our children, hence my involvement with DM's school PTA, Twins at Totstime and Totstime. I would not change a single thing about my family.

I helped out at DM's School today; they had an Open Day and the PTA joined in to help raise funds. Parents were invited into the school during school hours to get involved in their child's afternoon activities.

As I was helping out for the event, I hadn't intended to spend any time in DM's classroom. However, when I was in the hall, I had a sneaky peek through DM's classroom door. How was I to know that DM was sitting right by the door carrying out an activity with her friend. Her little face lit up!! That moment, that one right there, nobody can take that away from me. She was so excited to see me, she was looking around to tell everyone "yay my mummy's here" I gave her a kiss and left her to her counting.

Part of the event was a balloon race. DM was looking forward to the Balloon race; Peach and my mum brought the girls to school to have a wonder round and to complete a balloon. The idea of a balloon race is to complete a registration card that attaches to a balloon, the balloons are set free and the one that travels the furthest wins a prize. DM came over to see me after she had filled in her card, and said "Mummy I just wrote my balloon and it's going to fly high high up in the sky, it's going to Grandad Choochie face and your Grandad, and I'm going to win!". I absolutely love her!!

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