Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3


Today's mono monday theme is rather a hard one to crack!

But I have new chickens and am a bit egg obsessed as a result.

Only one of the chickens has been laying so far and consistently I had an egg, every day! I picked up today's egg at midday and it was still warm, so had only just been laid. It also has a small crack in its shell, so will be eaten tonight.

Now where am I going here, I can hear you think, as the subject isn't eggs, or chickens, it is AIR...

Well, an air space forms when an egg cools and contracts after it is laid. The older the egg, the larger the airsack and the greater the risk of the egg bursting when it is put in boiling water, as the air expands and cracks the shell.

So here we have it: a smal bit of air in this extremely fresh egg, a slightly larger bit of air in its neighbour that was laid yesterday. I shan't be letting the air expand any further, as a tortilla de papas is on the menu tonight.

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