Today's the day ...

Today's the day ...................... to be original

I just had to show you one of the presents that I had yesterday.

It's a picture frame made by son Rob - but it's not just any old picture frame.  It's made from pallet wood which he has varnished to show up the grain.  The glass was re-cycled from a broken pane in the greenhouse which he has cut to fit - and then the backing board was made from something that came out of the attic when some work was done up there.  To finish it off, he has made it special for me by engraving the words Today's the day.  Brilliant, eh?

And - I've got another original present happening tomorrow.  Will gave me a card yesterday which said - 'Your present is a big adventure that will happen on Tuesday 21st April.  All you need will be your camera, binoculars and the purple shoes' . 

I have absolutely no idea what is going to happen so if you want to find out - you'll have to tune in tomorrow ..........................

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