
After a walk in the beautiful sunny air with Ro and getting him to blow dandelion clocks, and float feathers ..... as you do, I decided to go for respiration. I chose to use a plant stem to illustrate this!  (It doesn't move! ;-))

Plants use the oxygen of the air and give out carbon dioxide through their pores or lenticels.  Here you can see those of a rose stem.  The little rows of dots are the lenticels.

This should not be confused with photosynthesis which only occurs in the light.  In Photosynthesis the plant uses carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen.

Well, you wouldn't have wanted a blip of a pair of lungs would you!

This is my entry for Notowennewitt's Mono Monday challenge this week: air.  The other entries can be found if you click on the tag mm68

If you have time it look good in large!

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