
By StateoftheArt

Day one hundred: singin' in the rain

It is raining today, and all smells fresh. I stumbled upon all things bliss on Facebook, bought this groovy new hat last week, and received it in the mail today. It so sweet and I really like the idea of focusing on the positive, on bliss!

This is going to be my last wholeness entry. It has been a good journey. I am closer to wholeness than I was 10 months ago, and I don't know that I will ever actually get "there," but I am no longer concerned with the destination.

I am happier and more centered than I have been. There have been ups and downs, and I know there will be additional peaks and valleys, but I feel I can meet them with a more solid core. I have a higher sense of self-worth, self-love, and self-esteem.

My journey is far from over ... it is just starting!

I really did not know what I would uncover in this adventure. The love I have felt and received is far greater than I imagined - both the love I have given myself and has been given abundantly to me. I am so grateful.

I took several photos of me in my new hat, but I like this one best. I am laughing, so there is movement in the photo. Laughter must be part of the journey. Soaking in little moments of bliss are also parts of wholeness. Giving praise for all things, big and little, is also necessarily a part.

I am not sure that I have a full definition of wholeness, but I know what it is not. It is not negative, greedy, toxic, unkind, unloving, self-deprecating, and all that other yucky stuff I was feeling or surrounded by.

It is sunshine, joy, laughter, love, peace, gratitude, smiling, vibrant, real, dynamic, praising, self-discovery, reflective, quiet, loud, honesty, friendship, and, well, all the other great things I have captured. :)

I am off on my journey and so thankful for all my cheerleaders along the way. Thank you all so very, very much, from the bottom of a very full heart.

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