Tavelsjö Village hall

More Tai Chi training, with a group based three hours north of us.  This group has been training for 20 years and its oldest member is now in her mid-eighties. They are a good advert for Tai Chi!
This rather lovely hall we are training in is the local village hall. It was built in 1934 as part of the then government’s effort to combat the great depression of the thirties. Similar projects went on all over Sweden, including the road up to the village we now live in. Now, 80 years later we are still benefiting from those work creation projects. That seems to be a far more positive way to fight a depression than the current methods of punish the poor and cutting back taxes for the rich.

(I'm doing a little catch-up here, so this was blipped at the same time as the  19th's blip!)

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