my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Wig bazaar (London #3)


Took a walk through a very sunny Brockwell park to Brixton to see the recommended Brixton Market.  Sam bought the ingredients for tonight's dinner and we had a coffee at one of the trendy cafe's in Brixton village - "Burnt toast" where you toast your own at your table.
Back at the house we had a visit from my godmother/great aunt and her husband.  It was lovely to see them, especially as they have both been quite ill and getting on a bit in years, (although they are still convinced they're in their 50's).  Great fun showing off Dexter.
 Later in the evening we met all my cousins down at the local pub.  Sam's cooking went down very well.  A nice evening in with aunt, uncle, cousin and partner, brother and fiancee, me and Sam. 

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