Harry potter

Today we made the journey to Combermere Abbey to join in the celebration of another of my 'little bridesmaid' wedding.

All of my bridesmaids are now married themselves. My older bridesmaid got married a few years ago and has a little family of her own. My 'little bridesmaid' got married last year and this weekend will see all three married.

We were a little late setting off but not my fault on this occassion. we had a good run down and arrived about 4pm. A little tipple before the bbq being held for all the guests on the 'wedding eve'.
Before the bbq my daughter and I had a stroll to the mere, we had a view of the abbey which is being renovated, there were trees, flowers and birds and a very pleasant woodland walk.

It was good to catch up with everyone and to see the young ones so happy and in love. I said an emotional good night to my lovely bridesmaid and off she went to be pampered. we continued our celebrations and catch up with good conversation, we invented a new game guessing which recycle bin to put the rubbish in 'bin it to win it' simple but effective and we entertained ourselves until the early morning amid the wolf cries too for which various residents and a black labrador got the blame!

We passed this tree on our woodland walk. it looks like a tree off Harry Potter.

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