
By grammapat

The dress 48 years ago.

Today the Brown's opened the "Birthday Box" from Great Aunt Annie. Little two year old Kailey opened this dress and immediately wanted it on. My eyes popped as I thought back 48 years ago. This was Annie's Easter dress and there is a favorite photograph on the wall at home of "our girls" with their Easter dresses on. They were so excited as they pulled out each surprise. Annie, you made their day. They were so good. Their mom made them wait until daddy got home. They were so patient.
After opening the Birthday Box we all loaded in and headed to the river. We watched as the Brown family got into the raft and headed down river. We drove back to where they would need to be picked up and waited a bit watching the baby for them. Our pleasure of course. It has been a great day.
We will be going to Colorado tomorrow for a few days. I'm not sure what kind of service we will have so you may not hear from me until Monday evening. I will at least get on some backblips with pictures from that part of the country.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow.

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