Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Dana's Birthday Party

Wonderful party, Pimms aplenty, great fun and company, bounce house, many Brits from the school and killer evening light filtering through the distant mountains as it bounced off the ocean to boot! I admire Reuben greatly on these occasions, the way he holds his own in unfamiliar company, often accompanied by many looks and questions, trying to make new friends. Proud of you darling.

What more could we ask for on this long weekend? The uplifting Mass at St Monica's that proceeded it. I was handed an incredible little letter by the elderly lady sitting beside us, as she made words from my initials to describe me, a stranger to her. I shall cherish it. As ever, the boys boogied on down to the Our Father.

More on the blog I can't believe how beautiful and photogenic the light was!

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