Hot! hot! hot!

This morning it was really, really hot on our very sunny sun terrace so after we’d been for our morning walk along the lane,  Ann said, ‘Molly, I’m not going to watch Jeremy Kyle I have a few jobs to do and then I am going to bask in the sunshine.’

Well do you know what?  .........................By lunchtime Ann had done all her jobs,  and she’d lain in the sunshine and turned into a wrinkly old prune all tanned & gorgeous looking, so she said, ‘Molly, let’s go to Zennor for your afternoon walk.  There will be a nice cool breeze along the coast path.’

...............There wasn’t a nice cool breeze along the coast path?!!  It was hot there too.  But me and Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, have had such a fun afternoon.

Well, actually, I think I’ve probably had more fun than Ozzy because I’ve done a whole series of ‘naughty things’ whereas Ozzy just trotted after Ann in ‘good boy’ mode.

Do you want to know what I’ve done?..............................

First, I disappeared into a load of bracken and didn’t come back for ages.  Ann was really worried about me because apparently there are lots of adders about and they are at their most venomous now and she didn’t want me to get bitten.  But I could smell bunnies so I just ignored her.

Then, after we’d had our walk along the coast path and were walking back along the lane to Zennor, I spotted hundreds of bunnies playing in a huge grassy field that belonged to a holiday home.  So I zoomed off in chase mode.  Usually when I disappear out of sight, Ann calls me, but today she didn’t.

I heard her say, ‘Ozzy, I’m fed up with Molly’s naughty behaviour.  When your owners come back from their hols shall we do a swap?  You can stay with me and Molly can go and live with your owners.’  Well, much as I love Ozzy’s owners I don’t want to live with them so I came racing back.

But do you know what?..................................  My instinctive ‘sniffing out water’ skills got the better of me and I went zooming off again into the garden of another holiday home.  When I re-emerged I was soaking wet.  I’m very clever ‘cos I could smell that they had a pond in their garden.

Unfortunately Ann didn’t  think I was very clever.  She was really angry with me and I was put on my lead for the rest of the walk.  And Ozzy was still trotting along, off lead, in ‘good boy mode’.   Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........................

Home, dinner for us doggies, and a glass of wine on the sun terrace for Ann.

Long may this heat wave continue?


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