Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Time for a cool drink ....

Busy day today. Did a few loads of washing and a bit of tidying, then headed out to post 280 leaflets through some doors locally.

It was really hot, and I should have taken a bottle of water with me, but thought that it would only take about 90 minutes, and I'd be back to this nice cold beer which I popped in the fridge before I left. 

Arrived home very parched, with sore feet, to find G having a wee snooze in the sun.  I got my old flip-flops on, and popped the cap on the beer, and thoroughly enjoyed every mouthful of it. 

Made a lovely chicken curry for tea, and now that I've washed up and done my blip, I really better get some clothes into a bag for heading off tomorrow.  My sister and I are taking Mum up north to a caravan for a couple of nights, and hope to catch up with some family we haven't seen for a long time. 

See you on Friday.

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