
Off early and driving today rather than bike and train to get to Ratho and the Edinburgh International Climbing Centre for our manifesto launch.

First sight of the set in that huge amphitheatre certainly gave me that WOW moment:-). It was spectacular.

Several busy hours followed the first part of which was checking in the over 700 invited guests and worked like a dream I'm pleased to say.

Then it was a frustrating 6 mile journey into the office and time to start the day job.

Left for home at the back of 8pm and could have seen the drive home far enough. No idea how I used to do that everyday. You might get the occasional disruption on the trains but I'll take that over the drive these days.

The Buncle heard me getting in and came down to say goodnight. This woke the wee fella up so I got a wee goodnight hug from him too. My Rooster was out for the count!The night hawk, Es was still up! Chatted with her as Mr R and I had some soup.

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