Wait for me!

U3A bird watching again today. We went to a local reserve where we had managed to get hold of the key to a hide that we had previously found to be locked. After a 20 minute trek we let ourselves in with great expectations. Not a sausage was to be seen in the half hour we waited!
Other than the lesser spotted yellow police helicopter and a mallard (of which there were hundreds on the main lake).
As we made our way back to the car park most of the group went home but Pat, Stan and I decided to stay a while longer and walk round the main lake. And that's where things were happening. We saw lots so todays 'bird of the month' is the black-capped Warbler who sat and posed for us several times.
Almost back to the car and we saw a pair of Canada Geese with these adorable little goslings. This one was bringing up the rear.

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